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Discover Oolong Tea

The simple statement "I like tea" entails a whole lot of reasons. Some are very pragmatic other might be more etheric or even spiritual. Find your liking by exploring Oolongs by yourself.




Undeniably the key reason for people to drink good tea. The magic about taste is how it evolves and how it can be accquired. Taste is about our natural inclinations as well as practice. Be open to new tastes and you'll get rewarded.


Like the taste, it does not work the same for everyone but most of us get helped by tea to stay alert or to keep going. The "kick" is softer than the one from coffee and the taste left in your mouth is more pleasant. It activates your brains.





This is the magic beauty of a good cup. While keeping you mentally alert it sooths you at the same time. You feel relaxed yet, you're very present. Don't ask me why...



An invite for a cup of tea is appropriate at any day or night time. It penetrates cultural or religious barriers. It is a smart innocent healthy dring and people appreciate learning about it. With a good cup there is always something interesting to talk about (perhaps be it the story of the tea you drink). Slowly and patiently absorbing and understanding the wisdom of tea, the varieties, production process, cultural differences as well as geographic origins makes you an appreciated companion.


Learning & Discovery

Appart from the endless range of tastes, shapes names and ways to prepare good tea, the learning goes way farther to where tea is grown, what was the story of it, what role it played in human history and so on...


Tea culture is a very broad term. Shai ma' Na'na in Jordan is being served differently than Hindustani Masala Chai in Kolkata or Long Jing in Hangzhou. Nevertheless, there always is something about it what we cannot touch or name but it is there for us to enjoy and appreciate.


If general tea is known as an antioxidant with plenty of supposed health benefits. Oolong then bears an aura of revitalising, cleansing and even healing properties. People of Wuyi Shan also believe in powers of Cliff tea to prevent or abate diseses like cancer. Is it real or placbo, I cannot say but as long as it's believed to help without making harm, then it must be good.

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© 2014 by Pavel and his Classic Oolong Tea, all photographs from own archive

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